Dr Edwards-Skadowska Resource Library: my blogs, videos, podcast talks

You are welcome to browse my website library of various free resources, including my talks, podcast interviews, blogs and video recordings .

Video blogs

Meet Olena



ADHD and your relationships

How to break up with someone?

Mobile phones ruining your relationships

Can a relationship survive cheating?

Can couples get back together after the break up ?

Recommended by Olena

Authors, therapists, books, TED talks and interviews that I frequently reference in my work

Gabor Mate

Books: In the realm of hungry ghosts

Hold on to your kids

The myth of normal

Talks: https://www.tiktok.com/@drranganchatterjee/video/7354081439387897120?lang=en

Esther Perel

Books: The state of affairs

Mating in captivity



Bessel van der Kolk

Books: The body keeps the score

Talks: https://youtu.be/BJfmfkDQb14

Terry Real

Books: I don’t want to talk about it:

Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression


Talks: https://youtu.be/wEtkkCRwTRo

John Gottman

Books: The seven principles for making marriage work

Talks: https://youtu.be/-uazFBCDvVw

Brene Brown

Books: Daring greatly

Talks: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en

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